Sunday, September 20, 2015

Voter I.D - Voter Suppression?

The Democrat party that sought to deny blacks and women the right to vote (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and set up Jim Crow laws and poll taxes to suppress votes (see HERE and HERE),  is now complaining about voter I.D. laws because they feel these laws violate the Constitution--as if the Left is big on the Constitution and the rule of law (see HERE and HERE), and they claim that these laws supposedly suppress the vote--or more particularly, they suppress Democrat votes,. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

Were Republican votes being denied, liberals likely wouldn't bat an eye.

Direct evidence that votes have actually been suppressed by I.D. requirements is sparse and anecdotal--such as several retired nuns in Indiana, a renown public figure in Texas, etc, which pales in comparison to anecdotal evidence that people couldn't vote because they neglected to register. 

So, to make their case the Left has pointed circumstantially to the number of registered voters that don't have I.D's (as if not having an I.D.somehow means they can't get one), like the study showing 1 million of the 13.5 million registered voters in Texas that don't have I.D. (see HERE)

What liberals don't tell you is that more than 4 million, or about a quarter of Texans that are of voting age, are not registered, and that just 8 million registered voters (59%) ended up voting in the 2012 presidential elections. If we do the math, then voter ID laws aren't really what is keeping voting aged Texans from voting.

More important, if the liberal assumption is correct about voter I.D. laws causing voter suppression, then one would expect that the states with no voter I.D. requirements would all have proportionally greater voter turnout rates than those states that do.  As it turns out, 3 out of the top 5 states in voter turnout have voter ID requirements, one of which has a strict photo ID requirement. (see HERE and HERE)

Nevertheless, several federal and state judges have felt that voter I.D. laws do suppress votes, and have thus ironically suppressed votes on voter I.D. laws. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

In fact, as the lead-in meme suggests, over the years judges have demonstrably suppressed or negated millions of votes in state elections on matters such as same-sex marriage and abortion.(federal and state judges wiped out the election or legislative votes in 27 states, including California, where over 7 million votes for Prop 8 were overturned by a single federal judge--see HERE and HERE).

In addition to judges, the greatest suppressor of Democrat votes is...

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