Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Income Inequality - Bernie, Hillary, Obama Hypocrisy

Documentation for the income inequality of Bernie's own staff is HERE.

Bernie isn't alone. Hillary Clinton has also made income inequality a key issue in her campaign, and depending upon assessment methodology, her senate staff had a gender gap of 28%, which is wider than the national average. (see HERE and HERE and HERE)

Even as late as last year (2014), women working for Obama made $.88 for every dollar made by men. (see HERE)

The inequalities in wages aren't just between male and female staff, but also between the "bosses" and their employees.

Legislative assistants averaged $43K, while representatives average $174K a year (see HERE and HERE), as compared with the median household income of $50K  *see HERE) .

The average salary of presidential staff is $83K (see HERE), while the President"s compensation is over half a million. (see HERE)

However, many support services in D.C. make $11 an hr.(see HERE and HERE),

This doesn't include earnings outside of government jobs, such as from paid speaking engagements, board positions, foundations, and private income.  A list of the Top 50 wealthiest members of congress is available HERE, and they ranging from nearly $300 million to $6.2 million, which is well above the average household net worth of $56.3K

The liberal Washington elite may decry income inequality, but unless they clean their own house, it is only so much hypocritical lip services.

[Update 10/22/2015: The Fundamental Dishonesty of Income Inequality Arguments]
[Update 11/09/2015 Will Democrats' Populist Obsession with Inequality be Their Downfall?]

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