Monday, September 7, 2015

Overpopulation vs Entitlements

I light of the recent Planned Parenthood controversy (see HERE and HERE and HERE), I thought this fitting:

For more than half a century liberals have been stirring up fears about overpopulation, and have formed committees and organization bent on decreasing the number of people on earth and in various locations. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE etc., etc.)

This is why, in part, liberals are big on contraceptives, sex education, "family planning," abortions, eugenics, and sterilization (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and  HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), though it doesn't explain why they seemingly favor open borders and overpopulation of illegals. (see HERE and HERE)

Some liberals are afraid that potential overpopulation will cause tiny islands to flip over (I am not making this up--go to minute 2:49)

And, it is why they want the government to fund or mandate those things. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE).

Their fears may even have something to do with them promoting homosexuality--their idea, not mine . (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), though the acceptance of homosexuality is theorized to put an end to homosexuality. (see HERE)

Some people believe that the fear of overpopulation is born of liberal self-loathing (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), white guilt and shame (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)  and/or their general dislike of the human race. (see HERE and HERE)

Whatever the case, in some respects, the efforts of liberals have been successful and have seen populations decline or level out in many countries, including Europe and the Eastern Block. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE, etc. etc.)

In other respects, overpopulation is considered a myth or overblown. (see HERE and  HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

Regardless whether one believes in overpopulation or not, liberals have enacted a number of massive social programs that are critically dependent upon growth in population, and are thus at cross-purposes with their successful efforts to curb overpopulation. All government handouts are paid for by taxes, and since entitlement programs invariably expand (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), it requires continual expansion of the tax base--i.e. more people to pay taxes.

Indeed, there are some social programs that built population growth into the equation as a supposed means for sustainability--such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and  HERE )

Yet, with the success of liberal population control comes not only the potential demise of liberal bloated entitlements (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and skyrocketing local and national debt (see HERE and HERE and HERE and  HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), but also the decline in national and international economies, which are likewise dependent upon population growth.(see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

Mark Steyn explains here:

The silver lining in this seemingly dark cloud is that the decline in population tends to be concentrated in liberal-dominated countries. Evidently, as with most all dysfunctions, liberalism has a self-destruct mechanism built in to eventually eradicate itself from the planet. Conservatives can take heart in knowing that while they may have failed miserably in changing entrenched liberal minds and rooting out the noxious weed of leftist "thinking," liberalism will ultimately do the job, itself. (see HERE and HERE)

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