Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Redefining "Women" and "Mother"

In order to forward various causes, liberals have needed to redefine "woman" and "mother" and other female synonyms or cognates, oft in ways that are contradictory. Hence, we find the Left depicting women as both oppressed by men and yet powerful and equal to men.

And, while liberals have endowed women with a special classification and distinguished them in gender politics, particularly when it comes to health and economic issues (see HERE and HERE), the Left has also tried to obliterate meaningful differences between the sexes in pursuit of other causes such as "marriage equality." (see HERE and HERE).

It should come as no surprise, then, that gender confusion and androgyny is on the rise (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), as well as an increase in lesbians and bi-sexuality--particularly among young women (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HEREand HERE), and women have increasingly adopted some of the less admirable qualities of men, thereby lowering themselves. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

In short, liberals have for years highlighted the disparity between women and men with the intent of mobilizing to raise women up and bring them equality to men, only to eventually either lower them or render women meaningless in relation to men. Boomerang?

See also: HERE and HERE and

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