Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Bernie - Campaign Funded by Rich

As of 09/15/2015, candidate Sanders is leading in the polls. (see HERE)

However, while he and his campaign have adamantly promised to "get big money out of politics" (see HERE), according to the Wall Street Journal, Bernie's vote-alluring socialist programs carry a Price Tag of $18 Trillion -- which is, comparatively speaking, a little less than the national debt. (see HERE)

And, even though Bernie and his liberal pals in the media have tried to significantly downplay the costs (see HERE and HERE and HERE), the burden would be daunting, if not unbearable. .

Who knew that "free" would be so expensive?

Given that the nation doesn't have the money, and is already $18 trillion in the hole (see HERE), Bernie figures to pay for it by taxing the rich, and forcing them to pay "their fair share"--which equates to 90^ income-tax rate. (see HERE)

Forget that the top 20% of earners (those making $92 k and above--see HERE) pay 84% of  income taxes on only 51% of the income (see HERE)--which is well more than their "fair share," were they to be taxed at 90% of ajusted gross income, it would only amount to about half a trillion dollars a year. From where is the other $17 1/2 trillion dollars going to come? That's right, we will have borrow it from China by mortgaging our children's future.

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