Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Equality - Breasts

Seemingly ignoring issues of serious gravity (terrorism, weak economy, spiraling national debt, etc.), and in their dysfunctional quest for equality (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), particularly "gender equality" (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and their foolish desire to obliterate meaningful distinctions between men and women (see HERE and HERE)--contrary to science and common sense (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), liberals have taken "feminism" to a whole new level of inanity by promoting the delusion that men's and women's breasts are equal and should be treated the same under the law--call it "Breast Equality" or "Breast/Topless Rights" or "TopFreedom" or "GoTopless." (see  HERE)

Sure men and women are the same, even in their sentiments about breasts::

The "Breast Equality" movement most often manifests itself in much welcomed (particularly by men) topless protests, not just in the U.S., but around the world. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE

And, of course they get the same or EQUAL reaction as when certain men bare their chests.'ve come a long way baby:

Ironically, these protest are intended to de-objectify women and their body parts (see HERE) And, so convincing are they in making their case that at their feminist topless rallies they need to inform the men "not to stare," and if they do stare, they are "sexist." (see HERE)  Who knew it was sexist for men to be visually, sexually attracted to women? Could some people be confusing sexist with sexual?.

Along the same lines, I suspect that these topless protests are a lame excuse for some if not all female participants to get a rush from exposing their wares--as is their nature (not speaking here of harmful objectification), just as it is men's nature to look. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

I say this because not all topless protest are specifically about "Chest Equality," but are intended to DRAW ATTENTION to other issues (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE). And, more particularly, the protests in NYC were primarily to allow painted topless women to bilk tourists out of money. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE). Other protest were"for commercial use." (See HERE)

Naturally, the liberal feminists hope to advance their cause through the courts. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)--the argument being, that state interest in "public sensibilities" is trumped by the Equal Protection Clause. (see HERE) . Yet, a female judge in NY said on the matter, "Women's breasts are very, very powerful." (See HERE) Was she being sexist? Does the same equally apply to men's breast?

Of course not. Truth be told, it is all a bit of slightly naughty fun for both sides.

However, on the off chance that the movement is successful in convincing the masses as well as judges that there isn't a meaningful or valued difference between men's and women's breasts, then people will be bound to think no different about a man grabbing a woman's breast in public as they would a woman grabbing a man's, and the same goes for "wardrobe malfunctions." Make sense? (see HERE)

Unwittingly, at cross purposes with the "Topless" side of the movement, is the "Lactate Rights" side--which argues for the right for mothers to breastfeed in public--something men don't have an equal ability or an equal right to do. (see HERE) So, what is a "Breast Equality" person to say ?

Anyway, here is some more dysFUNction:

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