Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Systematic Sexual Abuse of Children

For some time now the liberal media has been intent on sexually exploiting young children. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and  HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

Ben Shapiro rightly weighs in:

Here is an ad for Halloween costumes for little girls called Slutoween.
Leftist public institutions have also jumped on board by way of sex education curriculum that goes shockingly well beyond the "birds and bees"--see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE, and is even being taught to grade school children, including some kindergarten kids. (see HERE and HERE and HERE) [Update: Eroticizing the Classroom: Protect Your Kids]

Things that are said and done to children in sex ed classrooms would be considered as child abuse outside those classrooms, with several noted exceptions.

And, it goes beyond "education" to also supplying contraceptives to children as young as 10. (see HERE and HERE and HERE)

Were that not enough, boys and girls bathrooms are being gender-desegregated or "neutralized," even under ruling by the U.S. Justice Department. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE,  etc.)

LGBT advocates have also actively exploited and indoctrinated young people. Kids as young as fourth grade have been the intended target of sustained and skillfully executed PR campaigns, which have manifest themselves both in popular media (ibid) as well as throughout our public school system (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and this under the guise of "History" (see (see HERE and HERE and HERE) and "Multiculturalism" and "Safe Schools (See HERE and HERE and HERE). Here is a Top 10 list of strategies homosexual activists have used in public education. (See HERE)

And, it isn't just Right-wingers making this claim. Homosexual activists have also owned up to it (see HERE and HERE), and have included it as a plank in their manifestos and agendas. (see HERE and HERE and HERE),

Now, understandably, homosexual sympathizers have been quick to distance homosexuality from pedophilia (see HERE and HERE and HERE) even though studies have raised serious concerns somewhat to the contrary (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE). And, clever semantics have been employed to give the impression of greater distance than in reality (see HERE), and bold declarations by gay activists about child recruitment have been ardently downplayed (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

Never mind the fact that gay rights organizations like Boston-Boise Committee and the Mattachine Society and Gay Activist Alliance gave rise to the pedophilia/pederasty movement (see HERE and HERE and HERE), and several leading gay voices in the 1970's went on to become founding members and staunch supporters of NAMBLA and other pederast causes (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), not to mention that until the late 80's and early 90's, NAMBLA published a gay pedophilia magazine (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and was a part of several gay alliances (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and was even a welcomed participant in gay pride parades (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE) until it became politically inexpedient (see HERE), even though not a few people on the Left are in denial about this (see HERE).

It should come as no surprise, then, that pedophilia, which is estimated to be as prevalent if not more so than homosexuality (see HERE), has surged in reported incidences following the successes of the gay movement (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and that the movement has become a springboard for so-called "inter-generational sexuality" (HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), which is the new code word for adults having sex with kids (see ibid, and HERE), as well as emboldening the movement towards pedophilia rights and normalization.         (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

This is not to equate homosexuality with pedophilia, or even suggest that homosexuals are generally in favor of sex with children. Rather, it is to show yet another way in which homosexuals have not only countenanced, but have used kids for their adult purposes.

Even still, there has recently been a ground swelling within the liberal press sympathetic to pedophilia, which lays the groundwork for pedophilia civil rights, seemingly patterned after the gay movement. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

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