Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Abortion - Whose Being "Tortured"?

Abortion supporters have raised serious concerns about women being debased and demeaned because of the "hoops" they may have to jump through to get an abortion--which some consider as "torturous,". (See HERE and HERE and HERE)

However, more often than not, these are mothers who became pregnant through irresponsible sexual behavior and/or who chose not to assume responsibility for the outcomes of those irresponsible behaviors--which is self-demeaning and debasing. (see HERE)

Ironically, though not in a jocular way, abortionists have taken to demeaning women who are abortion survivors. (see HERE)  Perhaps there is some gender discrimination since they haven't gone after Jack Nicholson, who is an abortion survivor. (see HERE) Thank God there is someone in Congress willing to stand up to the hypocritical abuse. (see HERE)

Worse yet, abortion supporters seem entirely mindless of the demeaning and debasing and really torturous experience of unborn babies subjected to dismembered--an experience for which they had no choice and for which they hold no responsibility.

Can the concern and sympathies and perspectives get any more inverted than this?

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