Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bernie - Minimum Wage Hypocrisy

One of the primary issues of Bernie's campaign is raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, or as he calls it, a "living wage." (see HERE and HERE).

He has even sponsored a bill to that effect. (see HERE)

However, he currently pays his interns only $12 an hour (see HERE and HERE).,

...which gives this indicting statement some personal meaning:

Perhaps in at least one respect Bernie's interns should feel lucky since many of the interns working at Obama's White House and for Hillary's campaign, are not paid anything. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)

Apart from begging the question of why skilled pay is demanded for unskilled labor (something only a non-businessman and career politician would think up), this "Do as I say, and not as I do" approach  forgets the reality that, even by his own words, the raise would cost jobs (see HERE), as evinced by, among other things, cities that have already raised the minimum wage to $15 hr. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE). Forbes puts the potential job loss at 6.6 million (see HERE)

which, not surprisingly, works at cross purposes with what Bernie says here:

Not to mention that such drastic rise in minimum wage doesn't raise people out of poverty, and may even hurt the poor the most (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), particularly unskilled laborers. (see HERE)

It also isn't meant to be a living wage for families, in large part because most of the people earning minimum wages aren't sole providers of families. (see HERE and HERE)

Then there is also the problem that the $15 raise may have in creating an incentive for illegal immigration--either by forcing companies to seek out lower paid illegal workers, or by greatly increasing the wage of illegals. (see HERE and HERE), which is ironic since illegal immigration, spurred by liberal policies, has been a force in keeping wages low for unskilled labor. (see HERE)

1 comment:

  1. hey, there is a broken link in this article, under the anchor text - HERE

    Here is the working link so you can replace it -
