Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pop Quiz - Obama

Only 1 multiple choice question:

Q: President Obama thinks this action disqualifies a candidate for the presidency:

A: Is it:

  1. Seriously compromising national security by illegally passing highly classified documents through an unsecured private server in order to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act? (see HERE)
  2. Multiple perjuries and illegal destruction of government documents in a massive cover-up, and conspiring with government officials to avoid prosecution? (ibid. and see HERE)
  3. Creating a foundation, and using one's high public office to illegally peddle influence to domestic and foreign entities? (see HERE and HERE)
  4. Rig a presidential primary election and use hundreds of millions of campaign contributions from banks and other crony capitalists to buy votes? (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)
  5. All of the above -- and many more (see HERE)
  6. After several compliments, question who wrote the convention speech for a Muslim presenter, and ask why his wife remained quite by his side? (see HERE)
For the ironic and not-surprising, though partisan hack answer. see HERE.

[Please note that I didn't bring up Benghazi--see HERE)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sexual Mutilation (Transgender/Sexual Dysphoria)

Evidence confirming this claim:

  1. Transgenders are championed by liberals, which means there is high risk for unintended negative consequences. (see HERE)
  2. The bathroom issue is manufactured and thus creats a harmful problem where none previously existed. 
  3. Governmental and public promotion of transgenders has been fatal to transgenders. As public acceptance has increased, suicide rates among transgenders has skyrocketed to nearly ten fold the national average. (see HERE and HERE and HERE) Some in the media falsely attribute the alarming high rates to external forces (peer pressure, bullying, family rejection, etc.), whereas studies suggest otherwise (see HERE and HERE and HERE ) There are also other disproportionate and substantial health risks. (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE)  Common sense should suggest that attempts to normalize this serious psychological dysfunction can't help but backfire any more than it would do the same for any other mental disorders--like schizophrenia, OCD, and self-mutilation, etc., see HERE) This is not entirely unlike the negative consequences (oft fatal) following the public promotion of homosexuality. (see HERE and HERE)
  4. Victimization.
  5. It harms the general public, not only by exacerbating confusion and risking premature embracing of the dysfunction (particular among youth, which is a form of child abuse--see HERE and HERE and HERE), but there are substantial financial costs in publicly funding treatment (see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), building expenses ( see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE), and and loss of federal funds due to non-compliance (see HERE), not to mention the enormous invasion of privacy and personal space for women. (see HERE and HERE)

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hillary Campaign Buttons

Nothing else matters but this. Everything gay, 24/7:

Well, not exactly. (see HERE)

Follow the money:

See also HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
I do declare:

See HERE and HERE and HERE

What makes Hillary's campaign so interesting is the many ways in which she tries to reinvent herself (or, as the critically minded would say, the many false images she uses to con the gullible). Here is just one of a number: .

Of course, gender politics comes into play (speaking of hypocritical sexism):