Thursday, November 19, 2015

Make Believe #2 - Anti-Refugee

Following the bombings in Paris and the cautionary reaction by Republicans and Democrats (see HERE), the Liberal propaganda mill has whipped up the emotional blackmail and attempted to selectively smear Conservatives as anti-refugee, unconstitutional (as if Liberals care about the Constitution), and frightening to refugees who have already entered the states.  (see HERE and HERE and  HERE and  HERE and  HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and  HERE)

However, for more than a quarter century, Republicans haven't balked at accepting refugees and asylees, and they have even actively brought them into the country. Over 3 million refugees from throughout the world have been accepted into the U.S. since 1975 (see HERE). About a half million were admitted while Bush was in office. (see HERE) More than 27,000 refugees from Iraq and Iran were admitted from 2006 to 2008. (ibid) About 70,000 were admitted in 2012 (only 31 Syrian refugees--see HERE)  and also 2013 (only 36 Syrian refugees--see HERE). In 2014, 121,200 refugees were admitted. (approximately 30 Syrian refugees--see HERE), second only to Germany. (ibid) Thus far in 2015, there have been about 70,000 (or 57,300) refugees admitted, with 1,682 from Syria, and 10,900 from Iraq. (see HERE and HERE)

In fact, as pointed out in my previous post on this issue (see HERE), around 2000 Syrian refuges were admitted to the U.S. without opposition,, and various conservative organizations were active in bringing them here--though prior to 2015, President Obama only allowed about 100 Syrian refugees into the country. (see HERE) Was he being "shameful."

So, Republicans clearly aren't anti-refugee, but are reasonably concerned about the high risk of terrorists embedding themselves among the refugees and stealthily entering the country.

And, they aren't alone. As indicated above, there are not a few Democrats who are expressing caution, And, more than half the countries in the European Union refused or opted out of the EU asylum quotas.(see HERE and HERE and HERE) Also, the UK has blocked refugees since Sept 2015. (see HERE)

Are they "anti-refugee" and "shameful" and deserving of ridicule?

Of course not. The President and his Liberal cohorts are playing politics with make-believe.

Besides, no one has objected to the $4.5 billion in U.S. aid to the Syrian refugees. (see HERE)

Also, Obama reportedly stopped processing Iraqi refugee request fo security reasons. (see HERE)

Here is a graph of refuges admitted over the years:
Here is a proportional map of the states in which those refugees have settled--note how they are congregated in Conservative "fl:y-over" country, the Inter-mountain West.

Here is one source for how many Syrian refugees have been admitted in the U.S. since 2011 (it differs somewhat from what I quoted earlier, but not significantly):

Here is a map of where Syrian refugees have already been place in the U.S.

Here is where future Syrian Refugees are likely to be placed

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